December 2017 Update

December 2017 Update

With the dark evenings and increasingly cold weather, what better to do than sit in a warm home and play the piano! Welcome to the latest update, overdue, as ever, but let’s not dwell on that. What an amazing time we have had since my last update. It has possibly been...
October 2017 Update

October 2017 Update

I have no idea where on earth the last few months have gone… my resolution to write more regularly has not yet come to fruition, I’ll keep working towards improvement. The truth is we are always exceptionally busy and very happy to be so. Since my last writing...
July 2017 Update

July 2017 Update

Welcome to the summer update..! I started this year with good intentions to update the news page on a monthly basis, I have clearly failed as the last one was in May! I like to think it is a sign of a very full life that this task gets regularly overlooked, it is now...
May 2017 Update

May 2017 Update

How did we get towards the end of April so quickly! Beautiful spring weather has seen us through March and April with Ash Park looking glorious in the sunshine. My running kit always accompanies me in the car and if there is time at the end of the day I can head off...
February 2017 Update

February 2017 Update

Welcome to the latest news update. With 2017 now well underway we have enjoyed a really busy start to the year. Things are still a bit gloomy outside after a few brighter days tempting us of better weather ahead. As I write we are expecting the wrath of storm Doris to...
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