Castle Hill Infant School

Castle Hill Infant School

Ben Wheeler Pianos have diligently tuned our school pianos for many years.  When funds became available to replace our old and well-loved grand piano, we therefore had no hesitation in asking Ben to help us procure a new instrument.  Ben invited us to tinkle the...
January 2020 Update

January 2020 Update

Welcome to the latest update and Happy new year! The showroom was so busy during December that I didn’t even get time to write an end of year update and wish everyone Happy Christmas. Now we are out the other side and getting back into our working routines I can only...
September 2019 Update

September 2019 Update

Welcome to the latest update. After enjoying an extended Indian Summer the days have closed in and the wellies are out for the morning dog walks. As the nights draw in there can be nothing better than whiling away the evenings sat at a piano, a great time of year to...
August 2019 Update

August 2019 Update

Welcome to another summer update!  With the heatwave over and with threatening skies and rain outside what better time to write a short update. I am pleased to report that the busy period being enjoyed in June, when I last wrote, has continued throughout the...
Tony Thuy

Tony Thuy

We have been super pleased with reaching out to Ben to find a suitable first real piano for our 13-year-old son. He loves playing the piano, and he was ready to move on from our digital Korg piano. Ben recognised this and allowed our son to try his hands on many...
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