July 2021 Update

July 2021 Update

Welcome to this latest update, I am pleased to report that we are back up and running. At the time of writing the last update we had closed our doors and stopped tuning visits due to the COVID situation. Thanks to the fantastic roll out of the vaccination programme...
January 2021 Update

January 2021 Update

Welcome to the latest update, I hope you are keeping well in these difficult times. Unfortunately, the business is back in lockdown again after the buoyant spell reported in my last update. The pattern for us as a business has been for little or no activity during...
September 2020 Update

September 2020 Update

Welcome to the latest update. We are thankful to be well in these unprecedented times and fortunate that our business is back up and running at full capacity again. I have just read back the last update and see that we are also fortunate to be enjoying similar weather...
June 2020 Update

June 2020 Update

Welcome to this latest update. As I write the sun is shining and a cool breeze is blowing in through the window helping to make this a very pleasant task indeed. We are now at the end of June, as we emerge from the enforced lockdown we are thankful to be well and...
April 2020 Update

April 2020 Update

Hello, welcome to the latest update. As I write we are in turbulent times with the national lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I hope you are all keeping well and coping with the current restrictions.  When the Prime Minister announced the current range of...
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