Stephanie Cameron

Stephanie Cameron

After enquiring about a Kawai baby grand, Ben was very helpful and invited me to test out all the pianos at the showroom. From walking in the door we were greeted by the enthusiastic Ben who has all the knowledge you’ll ever need when buying a piano, yet at the same...
Lucy Eddy

Lucy Eddy

I found Ben Wheeler Pianos through an internet search and I’m so glad I did! The choice available at their showroom in Hampshire, their knowledge of the instruments and service has been incredible. I was able to spend time finding exactly the right piano without...
January 2023 Update

January 2023 Update

Welcome to the latest update and 2023, Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing Christmas period with much merriment and music. I certainly enjoyed a busy Christmas full of joy and the annual Christmas repertoire got bashed out on the piano. A wonderful time...
October 2022 Update

October 2022 Update

Welcome! It is has been far too long since I wrote an update. The excuses remain the same of being incredibly busy and so on, I will resolve to do better and try to prioritise my regular musings. It is that time of year when nature inspires me to resurrect Autumn...
December 2021 Update

December 2021 Update

Welcome to an update, the first for many a month. What a strange year it has been, I hope you are keeping well. As I write we are operating full steam ahead and hoping that the latest COVID outbreak doesn’t result in further restrictions coming up to Christmas. I...
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